Secure Login for school administrators, teachers, parents and students before accessing their records and managing them.
Accounting records of student's payables and balances in contrast to their made payments.
Secure Password
This is a user action, where a user enters a new password for their software account. The software authenticates the user before they are allowed to change their password.
General Average Processor
This is the module where the general average of each student's set of academic subjects in a classroom is computed real time and processed.
Ledger - Enrollment Accounting
This is the module to access, add, edit, delete a student’s enrollment accounting records like his tuition and other payables and payments for those payables.
Classroom Index
Easy navigation to any specific grade level and section for records management. These links route to classlist, attendance, consolidated report, subject settings, teacher's load, submissions monitor, general averager, tally processor, and report cards.
This is the list that contains all the students, grouped by boys and girls, and ordered alphabetically by default in a specific classroom or grade level and section. It also has navigation to other modules like profile information and report card.
Matrix - Consolidated Report
This is the module that reflects all the academic, attendance, and conduct indicators or performance of all the students enrolled in a particular classroom. This gives the adviser and school administrators convenience to check anything about all the students in a section in a single page.
Audit Trail
It logs all the activities of the software users like in transactions pertaining to accounting records. Such activities or transactions include making, deleting, and editing payments, their particulars, and timestamp of when the action was taken.